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20 mai 2013 1 20 /05 /mai /2013 21:39

L'édition de juin 2013 de Mosaique Magazine

sortira le 6 juin. 




Au sommaire

Vous découvrirez comment partout dans le monde des artistes font de la mosaique le meilleur de leur art : en Italie, en Bulgarie, à Moscou, aux Etats-Unis, en Australie !

 Vous trouverez des portraits d'artistes, des reportages sur les expositions que vous avez vues ou que vous n'avez pas pu voir et en avant première vous découvrirez ce que nous réserve le rendez-vous estival de Paray-le-Monial. 


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par mail : mosaique.magazine@orange.fr

le bon de commande est disponible sur ce site : Bulletin d'abonnement-Bon de commande

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16 mai 2013 4 16 /05 /mai /2013 20:45


First International Prize GAEM -

Young Artists and Mosaic REGISTRATION FORM

Please send or deliver the letter in a sealed envelope to:

Centro Internazionale di Documentazione sul Mosaico Museo d’Arte della Città di Ravenna Via di Roma 13, 48121 Ravenna

Registration Deadline: 21 May 2013, h 2.00 p.m.

Please enter my registration to Primo Premio Internazionale GAEM - Giovani Artisti e Mosaico

Surname Name Art-name (Optional)

Date of Birth (mm-dd-yyyy) Place of Birth


Address City State, Postcode Home / Work Phone Cell Phone E-mail Address Website Artwork

Title Technique, Support Dimension Year Price (Optional)

1 – I hereby agree to abide by all the rules of the Notice of the Prize published on www.mosaicoravenna.it 2 – I accept to grant to the Organizer the right to reproduce the artworks and the documents, in order to allow the editing of the catalogue, the agreement archive, the publication of the artworks on the Prize website, and other forms of communication and activities of the Organizer 3 – I expressly authorize the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna, as well as its direct representatives, to treat personal data according to the provisions of the Law no. 675/96 (Privacy Law) and subsequent modifications Legislative Decree 196/2003 (Privacy Code), also for the inclusion in the databases. The Participation implies the full knowledge and acceptance of these regulations.

Date Signature



First International Prize GAEM - Young Artists and Mosaic Second Edition

1- Aim

The Art Museum of the City of Ravenna announces the First Edition of the International Prize GAEM - Young Artists and Mosaic. The prize aims at promoting the contemporary mosaic, both in its expressions linked to the historical tradition, and in the most innovative and experimental aspects. The prize, projected by the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna – International Centre for the Documentation on Mosaic (MAR-CIDM) is sponsored by the Ravenna Province and the Region Emilia Romagna. The competition will award both mosaic materials and prize money, the mounting of an important collective exhibition at the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna and the publication in a catalogue of the selected artworks.

The International Prize GAEM – Young Artists and Mosaic is a free subject competition, but the artists are asked to develop a research which is consistent with the constitutive, formal and poetic principles of the mosaic language.

2 - Techniques

The competition is open to all artists under 40 years old, regardless of nationality and other qualifications. Each artist can submit only one artwork, which can be produced in complete freedom of style and technique, from the traditional mosaic, to the experimentations of the new languages, through the use of traditional mosaic materials and techniques, any type of materials and artistic techniques, also unconventional. Two-dimensional panels and artworks must be no larger than 200 cm on each side. The dimensions of sculpture or three-dimensional artworks are: base 250 cm, depth 250 cm, height 250 cm, weight 80 kg.


If the sculptures or three-dimensional artworks were larger than 200 cm high, 130 cm wide and 130 cm deep, they should be put together inside the museum, because of the limits imposed by the entrances to the exhibition rooms. Each artist selected for the collective exhibition of the finalists, must provide the Organizer (MAR-CIDM) all the materials which are necessary to the mounting of the exhibition and personally supervise the work. The maximum running time of a video or a performing artworks must be no longer than 15 minutes, including opening titles and end credits. If you use copyrighted music or images, you must declare to have the permission of the SIAE copyright holder.

3 – Jury

Jury: President: Claudio Spadoni – Art Critic, Art Director at the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna Maurizio Nicosia - Coordinator of the Academy of Fine Arts of Ravenna Gian Piero Brovedani – Director of the Consorzio per la Scuola dei Mosaicisti del Friuli Lucio Orsoni – Orsoni Venetian Enamels Marcello Landi - Director of the High School of Art Nervi Severini Leonardo Pivi - Artista Dusciana Bravura Artista Linda Kniffitz – Art historian, administrator of the International Centre for the Documentation on Mosaic Daniele Torcellini - Professor at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna and in Genova

4 – Prize

Orsoni Mosaic Prize: € 2,000 in the form of mosaic materials produced by Orsoni company, awarded to the artworks which has been created using traditional materials (vitreus enamels, etc...). Banca Popolare di Ravenna Mosaic Prize: € 2.000 handed out by the Banca Popolare di Ravenna, awarded to the artworks which has been produced using any type of material and techniques.

The sponsors will be in charge of the delivering of prizes to the winners.

5 – Participation

Participation is free. You can participate individually or in teams. You can participate with an artwork already completed or with an artwork project, which must be produced and completed. In the case the artist or the team will be selected by the jury, the work must be delivered within the 24th september 2013.

6 – Participation requirements

The artists can enter the competition no later than 21st may 2013, 14.00 p.m., sending in a sealed envelope the registration form enclosed in the notice.


Registration forms that will arrive after the deadline will not be accepted. The postmark date of the shipment will not attest, but the date and time arrival at the Museum.

The following documents must be enclosed in the sealed envelope: The curriculum vitae, your training, artistic activities, exhibitions, bibliography of the artist or the artists who are members of the work group. One or more photos of the artwork, in analog or digital format (minimum image size cm. 15x20 – maximum image size cm. 20x30, in the case of digital image we require a resolution of 300 ppi) You must point out on the back or on the file title of the photo: name, surname, country, city, title of the artwork, dimension and year. The Address is: Museo d’Arte della Città - Via di Roma, 13 - 48121 Ravenna, RA. Write on the back of your envelope: Selezione Premio Giovani Artisti e Mosaico (MAR-CIDM). You can delivery by hand at CIDM office of the Art Museum of the City on Tuesday from 9.30 a.m. till 12.30 p.m. If you have not yet produced the artwork, we require the submission of a comprehensive project, in order to allow the valuation of the jury: preparatory drawings, cartoons, sketches, three-dimensional simulations, models, samples of mosaic textures, videos or whatever the artist deems necessary. The valuation of the project will be possible in relation to the quality and quantity of the information submitted by the artist.

7 – Admission requirements and collective exhibition

The Jury will select 10 finalist artworks, having the possibility of waiving to the limit. The two winning artworks will become part of the permanent collection of mosaics of the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna. The Jury reserves the right to assign ex-aequo. The publication of the selected artworks is scheduled for June 2013, on the website of the International Centre for Documentation on Mosaic (www.mosaicoravenna.it). The selected artworks will be exposed in a collective exhibition at the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna, during the months of October and November 2013. The Organizer plans to publish the selected artworks in a catalogue edited by the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna. The opening of the exhibition will take place on the occasion of the Golden Night and the opening of Third Edition of the First International Festival of the Contemporary Mosaic RavennaMosaico.

The name of the winners of the prizes will be announced at the Festival, during an Event dedicated to the Prize Young Artist and Mosaic, date to be determined. The mounting and the staging of the Exhibition will be planned by the MAR-CIDM. Cost of carriage and insurance coverage shall be borne by the artist.


8 – Responsibility

Although the Organizer will handle the artworks with the utmost care and oversight, it can not accept responsibility for any such theft, loss, or damage caused by fire to the artworks or people, which may occur during the phases of the manifestation. The artist acknowledges that the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna is not providing any insurance coverage for the artwork, and that the Artist is responsible for arranging any independent insurance coverage.

The Organizer encourages the artists to keep abreast of the information about the Prize, which will be regularly published on the website www.mosaicoravenna.it. The Organizer will send all the communications to the artists of the mailing list. It is recommended to provide a real e-mail, add to the address book the email cidm@museocitta.ra.it, and read it daily.

9 – Deliberation

The decision of the Jury regarding the award of the Prize will be final and unquestionable. Winners have the right to forfeit the prize, no compensation will be payable to the winner. In this case the Prize will be reallocated according to the ranking list of the jury. Each candidate grants to the Organizer the right to reproduce the artworks and the documents, in order to allow the editing of the catalogue, the agreement archive, the publication of the artworks on the Prize website, and other forms of communication and activities of the Organizer. Each candidate expressly authorizes the Art Museum of the City of Ravenna, as well as their direct representatives, to treat personal data according to the provisions of Law no. 675/96 (Privacy Law) and subsequent modifications Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (Privacy Code), also for the inclusion in the databases. The Participation implies the full knowledge and acceptance of these regulations.




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3 mai 2013 5 03 /05 /mai /2013 19:42








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28 avril 2013 7 28 /04 /avril /2013 15:07


Monsieur Bertrand Gaucheron a récemment découvert cette micro mosaïque, incluse dans un disque de diamant de 30 cm de diamètre et 3 cm d’épaisseur et qui représente l’hôtel de Ville de Paris. Qui pourrait lui donner de plus amples renseignements ? Nous les lui transmettrons.




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18 avril 2013 4 18 /04 /avril /2013 18:46


Ecouter la présentation de l'exposition sur Radio Altitude : http://www.radioaltitude.fr/#!emissions


Sur le site aller sur "Ecouter" et cliquer sur Aime comme Mosaique 1/1 et Aime comme Mosaique 2/2





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18 avril 2013 4 18 /04 /avril /2013 18:08




Mosaique Magazine organise à Aime en Savoie une exposition afin de permettre la découverte de la mosaique contemporaine.


C'est la Maison des Arts des Versants d'Aime et sa responsable Laetitia Casses qui accueille cette exposition

Cette exposition présente quelques pièces créées à l'atelier VanoiseMosaique à Pralognan-la-Vanoise, par des élèves venus découvrir la mosaique à l'atelier et par moi-même.
Mais surtout, c'est l'occasion pour les habitants de la Tarentaise de découvrir deux artistes de renommée internationale, d'une part Gérard Brand, artiste alsacien qui réalise des tableaux et des sculptures en mosaique, de style plutot baroque et toujours pleins de poésie et d'autre part de Valeria Ercolani, artiste qui vit et travaille à Ravenne en Italie et qui crée des mosaiques délicates, raffinées en ligne directe de l'héritage byzantin de sa ville natale.


C'est l'occasion de découvrir deux artistes qui ont fait de la technique de la mosaique la meilleure expression de leur art et de découvrir la richesse, la diversité du langage de la mosaique. 



Renée Malaval

Gilles Antoine



L'exposition est ouverte les mardis, jeudis et vendredis de 13h30 à 17 h, les mercredis de 9h à 12 h et de 14h à 17h et sur rendez-vous. Pour cela vous pouvez appeler le 04 79 55 21 57 ou 06 16 87 73 59 


Vernissage le vendredi 19 avril 2013 à partir de 18h




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12 avril 2013 5 12 /04 /avril /2013 12:26


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12 avril 2013 5 12 /04 /avril /2013 12:16





Les cours d’initiation à la mosaïque reprennent


Les inscriptions aux cours d’initiation à la mosaique - édition 2013 - sont dès maintenant ouverts, cours qui animeront la saison printemps/été parmi les autres activités de l’école des Mosaïstes du Frioul.

Les cours d’initiation sont destinés à tous ceux qui désirent expérimenter la technique musive et se familiariser d’un art à la fois très ancien et proche de nous par ses potentialités expressives, un art qui a suivi de nombreuses voies au cours du temps et qui se poursuit dans la contemporanéité.


Durant le stage – sous la conduite de Maitres diplômes – l’élève apprend l’utilisation de tous les matériaux et tous les outils indispensables pour créer une mosaïque qui devient  propriété du stagiaire.  Au moment de l’inscription les participants peuvent choisir de se mesurer à la technique romaine, habituellement conseillée aux débutants, ou bien à la technique byzantine, moderne ou contemporaine.


Le premier cours du calendrier débute le 25 avril 2013 : il s’agit d’un stage de 28 heures se terminant le 28 avril.


Pour toute inscription ou tout renseignement consulter le site www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it à la rubrique “corsi brevi” (stages courts) ou contacter directement le Secrétariat de l’école des Mosaïstes du Frioul (tel. 0427/2077 du lundi au vendredi de 08.00h à 12.00h et de 13.00h à 16.00h).


Calendrier complet sur : http://scuolamosaicistifriuli.it/corsi/corsi-brevi/


      Pour toute information :


      Via Corridoni n. 6 – 33097 SPILIMBERGO (Pn) – ITALIA

      Tel 0427 2077 – fax 0427 3903

www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it – info@scuolamosaicistifriuli.it



logo Spilimbergo 


Sono aperte le iscrizioni per i corsi d’introduzione al mosaico - edizione 2013  - che animeranno la stagione primavera-estate, tra le altre attività della Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli.

I corsi d’introduzione sono rivolti a coloro che desiderano sperimentare la tecnica musiva accostandosi a un’arte antichissima, ma non distante da noi per le sue potenzialità espressive, un’arte che ha seguito vari percorsi nel tempo e si è aggiornata fino alla contemporaneità..

Durante il corso – sotto la guida di qualificati maestri - s’imparano ad usare tutti i materiali e gli strumenti indispensabili per creare un mosaico che rimane poi di proprietà del corsista. I partecipanti – al momento dell’iscrizione – possono scegliere se misurarsi con la tecnica romana (in genere consigliata ai principianti), oppure con la tecnica bizantina, moderna o contemporanea.

Il primo corso in calendario parte il 25 aprile 2013: è un corso di 28 ore che si conclude il 28 aprile.

Per iscrizioni e informazioni  consultare il sito www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it alla voce “corsi brevi” o  rivolgersi direttamente alla Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli contattando la Segreteria della Scuola (tel. 0427/2077 dal lunedì al venerdì con orario 08.00-12.00 e 13.00-16.00).

Il modulo d’iscrizione si può scaricare direttamente da internet, consultando il sito www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it alla voce corsi brevi. Lo si può ritirare in formato cartaceo anche presso la Segreteria della Scuola Mosaicisti del Friuli.


PER IL CALENDARIO COMPLETO 2013: http://scuolamosaicistifriuli.it/corsi/corsi-brevi/ 

       Per ulteriori informazioni:


      Via Corridoni n. 6 – 33097 SPILIMBERGO (Pn) – ITALIA

      telefono 0427 2077 – fax 0427 3903

www.scuolamosaicistifriuli.it – info@scuolamosaicistifriuli.it


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29 mars 2013 5 29 /03 /mars /2013 11:08





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